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A Bittersweet Season and a Cure for the Holiday Blues

A Cure for the Holiday Blues

With all the hustle and bustle, merrymaking and cheer, I can't help but remember that this season can be a bittersweet time for many of us.  As time marches on, most of us experience loss, heartbreak and bittersweet moments, all made more pronounced by the 'Joy to the World' surrounding us during the holidays.  There are loved ones we have lost through death or distance- lost loves, lost lives, lost homes, lost pets; and the broken hearts and dashed hopes of living life.

I know, it's not exactly cheery, but it is a very real part of life.

I know my own holidays of years past have included a divorce, 2 miscarriages and the loss of my dear dad nearly 4 years ago.  There is nothing like spending a holiday season in the hospital with a loved one who has just received a terminal diagnosis, to break your heart into a million pieces. I remember getting coffee at Starbucks, on a brief break from the hospital that Christmas. I was stunned at how life beyond the hospital could be moving on, so merrily, while my family was in complete crisis and heartbreak, praying for a miracle.  That said, there is nothing like a crisis in your life to build compassion for others experiencing heartbreak this season.

If you, like me, find yourself having those painful, bittersweet moments or just the blues during the holidays please remember:

Take care of yourself

Whether it's a special treat, a warm bath, a massage, a brisk walk in the chill air or a bouquet of fresh flowers, self-care is the most important antidote for surviving the holiday blues.

Reach out to the open arms of friends and family who care.

If your family is far away, create your own kind of family this season with new traditions. Heartwarming movies, or funny movies, are always a mood booster. I double dog dare you to cry with sadness during the movie, "A Christmas Story".

A Christmas Story (Full-Screen Edition)

Reach out to someone else who is lonely or in need.

Doing something good for someone is always my best 'feel good' advice.

Look to the Future

As dark as times may be right now, there are bound to be brighter, more peaceful, days ahead.  If you are feeling discouraged and lonely, you never know what can happen 'around the next corner' to change everything about the way you are feeling.  Looking towards adventure is always a way to keep us focused on the next chapter, so have hope.

*I know this for a fact, my most recent "have hope" story happens to be about finding true 82 years of age.   I mean it~anything can happen~anytime-so never, ever give up hope for fabulous curve ball in your future.

(*The 'have hope' love story--here it is)

If you happen to see a crazy driver, or a person dabbing away a tear at your local coffee-house, be patient.

If you are needing a cure for the holiday blues, reach out to do something for someone else.

You are not alone, this time of year is bittersweet for so many of us.

Be of good cheer,


Curated Travel
