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Dear Mom + Our MOST Exciting News Ever!!

Dear Mom,

From you, I've learned the value of a strong work ethic, tenacity, and the importance of leading with a warm smile.  From you, I've learned the value of cultivating lifelong friendships and nurturing those friendships with love and care. From you, I've learned when to let things go that aren't important in the scheme of life and thatyou can never please everyone.

From you, I've learned to enjoy the indulgence of a Belgian chocolate, a fine pair of Italian leather shoes, freshly cut flowers, and a strong cup of coffee, with cream, in the morning. From you, I have seen the life-altering power of faith, generosity, living with integrity, having a signature perfume and 'keeping it classy'.

From you, I learned of the mind-expanding benefits of travel, the essential nature of curiosity and that the devil is in the details. I've also learned the importance of feathering a comfortable nest and placing fresh-cut flowers bedside for family members and house guests. From you, I've learned the importance of celebrating, entertaining, and the fine art of throwing a party!!

From you, I've learned about courage. From moving to Hawaii at the young age of 19 to teach school, to taking out a rattlesnake, with a shovel, to protect us at our house in Loomis. WOW! I've learned about courage from you in that after your own losses you chose to adopt 2 baby girls, Heidi and me, and create a wonderful family life for all of us.

I learned more about grace and courage from your strength through dad's illness and passing, to embracing life and new love years later, with Hal.

The happy couple

From you, I'm learning to ask for what I need and WAIT for the response, rather than acquiesce away from what I deserve (remember that hotel scene in Paris?).

From you, I've learned to live life to the fullest each day, be grateful for all that we have and look towards an even brighter future ahead.

I'm looking forward to celebrating YOU with Heidi and the family this weekend. Can hardly wait!

Love you dearly, Heather

PS - I will never create a bouquet like you do, from flowers grown in your perfectly manicured garden, and I always love to see your colorful creations.

On another note, we will be celebrating Mother's Day this year with some exciting news to share.

There is something brewing in our family and it's a baby for Briana (my step-daughter) and her wonderful guy, Shawn. They gave us this sweet card, above, to announce their pregnancy. It was truly one of the most exciting moments in our lives for Scott and me. We are over the moon excited for these two. They will be amazing parents!

This will be the first grandchild for us, 'Grandpa Scott and Grandma Gigi'. Our family is growing and we couldn't be more excited!

To my dear birth mom, Marcia, recovering from surgery this week, under the care of my sister, Dorie, I'm sending hugs and special Mother's Day wishes for you both.

Not all of us who mother gave birth and life can be complicated. There are many ways to be family and to all who mother children, step-children, grandchildren and more, wishing you a Happy Mother's Day!